Wednesday, November 18, 2009


That's right everyone....I'm still alive!!! It has been an adjustment to say the least, but I think I might actually be able to do this mom-of-three thing :) After a week at home with lots of help, I took to week number two alone! I know it's only Wednesday, but so far I've managed to get Jax to school each day, on time and with all of us somewhat coherent in one car :) Cash was also on-time to school and I think I even managed to get a shower somewhere in between.

The older boys seem to be adjusting pretty well at this point. Jax is constantly helping me with feeding and entertaining, but he's not so keen on the whole diaper change bit just yet. Cash is actually very calm around the baby and has only tried to give him an occasional "love pat". All in all, the big brothers are doing great!
Cruz seems to be a pretty good baby thus far. He has no problem finishing a bottle, but he does seem to have an issue with keeping it down! Yes, he's a puker. Jax also had a bit of an upchuck problem, so we're familiar with the process of trying new formulas and such. Cruz also seems to sleep well for the most part. I've been trying to put him down around the same time as the older boys, so that means he usually gets up twice in the night to eat. We've had a few nights of fussiness, but not nearly as bad as I've had before :) He continues to change everyday and I'm so looking forward to see who he ends up looking like! I do have to say that his eyelashes and eyebrows have a tint of red, so we'll just have to see!
I am going to try and keep up writing this blog as much as possible. Just in the last two weeks, we've already had some entertaining moments! I imagine that with three boys in the house, well 4 if you count Corey, I'll have plenty of material. I want to put it all in writing so that when I'm ready to run away from home I can look here and see the humor in it all! Thanks to everyone who keeps up with us here and I hope to share some Leggett boy humor soon :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Cash!!

It is hard to believe, but our sweet Cash is 2 years old!!! This 2nd year has gone by unbelievably fast and our little boy has grown up so much. Everyday he talks a little more, understands a little more and gets into things a little bit more! We decided to have a little birthday party for him before baby #3 came. We went to Chik-fil-A with a few friends and family and we all had a blast. Cash was thrilled to have all of his friends around and he was also pretty thrilled about the cake and all the presents :)

I'm so glad we got to celebrate his special day before the chaos of a newborn came along, even though we cut it pretty close. Here are a few pics of his party. Happy Birthday Cash man!!!!

Cruz Harvil Leggett

Our newest addition is finally here!!! Baby Cruz was born November 5th at 8:33 am. He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz and was 18.5" long. He made his appearance just an hour after we arrived at the hospital!! It was an intense labor, but after I begged him to come out for weeks I can't really blame him for making it quick :)
Big brother Jax is very excited and very eager to help. Big brother Cash is still getting used to the idea of a baby, but I think he will warm up very soon! I will make sure to post more later when everything slows down, but until then enjoy some of his first pictures!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


As most of you know I live with 3 boys. This basically means that on a daily basis my patience will be tested numerous times and a lot of those times I will fail miserably. On any given day Jax will whine extra long and loud about something, Cash will scream and throw his food, Corey will do all of the above and I will lose it by 6 p.m. Well, now it seems I have a new little person testing my patience and, even though he's the smallest of them all, he's certainly holding his own.

I went to the doctor this morning to see if my birthing hour was coming soon. Being that I've been in lots of pain for that past week, I definitely thought we were looking at a huge change in my progress and a labor that could only be hours away. I was wrong. My female doctor, who has no children, was very quick to inform me that I was no further dilated than last time and that my cervix is still pretty thick. Wow, thank you so much. I realize that my body not doing what it's supposed to is not your fault, but you're the closest person to me right now and I want to kick you in the face. Again, my patience is not so good. I proceeded to tell the doctor that I thought I was going to give birth to a newborn roughly the size of a toddler and she didn't seem to be concerned. I'm not sure if she thought I was kidding, but I assure you if this baby weighs over 9 pounds and I have to push it out with no drugs, she will know that kidding I was not.

So, basically the point of this post is to let you all know that I haven't had a baby yet. I don't seem to be any closer to having a baby at this point and they won't induce me until I go to my appointment on Monday. I am hoping that I will not make it to this appointment, because if I do you will all want to stay a good distance away from me. I will, however, make a promise to everyone that my daily dose of Zoloft is keeping me from being on the news and physical pain will only be inflicted if absolutely necessary. Rest assured ;)