Thursday, April 9, 2009

I know, I know....

Okay, I officially gave up on the blog for a little while :) Things have been as crazy as usual, and I guess the blog got pushed to the back of the line! Jax and Cash are doing great! This week was spring break and while we did some fun stuff, we also got on each other's nerves :) Jax simply amazes me everyday, especially by talking so much I think his mouth might fall off! He will even go as far as to make up songs to fill the silence. I'm glad he is such a "vocal" child, but after a few days, well lets just say silence is GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cash's little personality continues to come out more and more everyday! He is so funny!!! He does silly things to make you laugh and then gives you a little look to make sure you're still watching :) His vocabulary continues to grow everyday as well, so in a few months I'll have two chatterboxes! This Sunday is Easter, so I guess I will have more to report then :) Sorry to all of you faithful followers that have been checking back to find I'm a total flake and haven't posted! Here is a video for your enjoyment and please check the photo album for some updates!

'Til next time....


  1. Cash is growing up so fast!

  2. All I can say is.....FINALLY. So can I start checking on a regular basis now?

    That kid is so stinkin cute.
