Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The kid's got an arm!!!

It has come to my attention, that Cash has a little bit of a problem. While I understand that toddlers have their fair share of tantrums, I was not aware that some of them do so with flying objects!!! I have always known that Cash wasn't the biggest fan of eating, but it was not until he started launching his hotdogs across the room that I realized how much he really hated it. I thought it was just a mealtime thing, but apparantely he's started using his throwing arm with other objects that aren't quite as pillowy soft as the mystery meat in hotdogs! His new favorite thing is climbing on the kitchen table and tossing whatever he can get his hands on across the room. Here are just a few of his favorite things.....dustbuster, small fan, fake fruit and the bowl it's supposed to be in, telephone, shoes, cars, laptop, etc., etc., etc.!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will all be happy to know that this behavior does not go unpunished. However, telling a 17 month old "no, no" and smacking his hand only makes them more unhappy! Hopefully we'll get this all under control before baby #3 arrives, otherwise we might have a serious issue :)

And despite my better at 12 weeks

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Three's Company!

Okay, so the cat's out of the bag! That's right, I'm preggers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, this baby was a bit of a shock. We were not expecting this, but we are still very excited and can't wait to add to our family! We decided to wait a little while to let everyone in on the secret, mainly because we wanted to come to grips with it privately first ;)

I am due November 6th (the day before Cash's birthday) and I'm feeling great! I did have some morning sickness early on, but it seems to have passed. I'm still exercising and I think that's why this pregnancy seems to be the easiest so far. We told the boys this past weekend and Jax is so excited. He's a lot older this time, so he has tons of questions about the baby. I have to admit that it's kind of fun the answer questions that he has, because they are so straightforward and most of the time hilarious! Cash doesn't quite get it yet, but I'm sure he'll catch on soon enough. I will keep you all posted on the pregnancy and maybe even post a few pics of my growing belly! Until next time, here is a picture of my big brothers!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I know, I know....

Okay, I officially gave up on the blog for a little while :) Things have been as crazy as usual, and I guess the blog got pushed to the back of the line! Jax and Cash are doing great! This week was spring break and while we did some fun stuff, we also got on each other's nerves :) Jax simply amazes me everyday, especially by talking so much I think his mouth might fall off! He will even go as far as to make up songs to fill the silence. I'm glad he is such a "vocal" child, but after a few days, well lets just say silence is GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cash's little personality continues to come out more and more everyday! He is so funny!!! He does silly things to make you laugh and then gives you a little look to make sure you're still watching :) His vocabulary continues to grow everyday as well, so in a few months I'll have two chatterboxes! This Sunday is Easter, so I guess I will have more to report then :) Sorry to all of you faithful followers that have been checking back to find I'm a total flake and haven't posted! Here is a video for your enjoyment and please check the photo album for some updates!

'Til next time....