Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's all about the Money!

I know I've only posted on this new blog a few times, but in looking back I realized that I hadn't dedicated a single post to my second baby boy! So, Cash man this one is all about you :)

I must say that motherhood the second time around is a lot more laid back! I felt like with Jax I waited forever for his first birthday to come and every milestone took ages for him to accomplish whether he was doing them early or not. However, Cash has grown up right before my eyes in record time! I really can't believe he is 15 months old!!! I watch his personality develop everyday and he is quite the little entertainer :) He absolutely LOVES cars! He walks around the house all day saying "car" in his sweet little voice and he even lines them up like his brother! Earlier today he thought it would be hilarious to drive them up and down my face, which I thought was funny too until it turned into a hitting game (also a favorite of Mr. Cash!). He is really picking up language and learning to follow simple directions. He likes to throw things away and go get his clothes and shoes. I think my favorite thing he does lately is "Cheers"! For some reason Jax has been into everyone toasting to one another at every meal, and Cash has picked it up too. So, if you have a drink and Cash has a drink you better be ready to "Cheers" endless amount of times :) Some of his favorite words include: Bob Bob (spongebob), pig, MAMA, dada, Gigi, no, bye-bye, ball, golf, milk, daaa (roar...like a dinosaur), dog, my bunny, and various other sounds that he thinks are words :)

Also, I took Cash to his 15 month checkup and he's doing great! He is up to 26 pounds now, but has failed to grow in height since his 12 month checkup! After giving birth to Jax, this was an unknown occurrence to me, but apparently it is very normal at this stage :) I am proud to say that his "baby ashtma" seems to have passed and his breathing is perfect! He went through so much as a baby with sickness, and now he seems to be pretty tough! He is still sleeping like a champ, about 13 hours a night, and seems perfectly happy to be laid down by anyone, anywhere. As you all know my sleeping issues with Jax, I believe I deserve this one :)

Well, I hope this entry did justice to my little man. He is a perfect little boy and we love him so much! I live a crazy hectic life with these boys, but it is my greatest joy. Sorry for the gushy stuff, I was having a moment :)

Cash man with the potty seat...I can only hope!

Uh oh, another golfer!!!

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