Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sick, sicker and sickest!

Well, it's been an eventful week. It began with me pushing my way through what I thought was a simple chest cold. I convinced myself that I would quickly get over it and no one would know the difference, but when Jax woke up a couple days later with eyes swollen shut and a cough that most smokers couldn't beat, I figured it was time to address the issue :)

After an excruciating trip to the doctor with two kids, one sick and a sick mommy we had our diagnosis.....bronchitis with an ear infection on the side! While I was glad to know that the past 2 nights of Jax getting up a minimum of 15 times was for a reason, I still wasn't sure that just Jax getting medicine was going to solve our problem. So, in case my mothering skills hadn't been tested enough that day I decided to make a trip to my doctor with two kids in tow! After sitting in a waiting room the size of a small prison cell for what seemed like days, the doctor finally made an appearance. During the time it took to listen to my chest, Cash got into the trash can about 20 times and Jax managed to open every drawer in the office! Also, did I mention that the doctor had terrible bedside manner and hates kids??? Well, she did. Long story short, I was diagnosed with the exact same thing as Jaxon and sent on my way :)

Needless to say, Cash caught the plague today. Luckily he had his 15 month "well" check-up scheduled for today so I was all set for another doctor's visit! I was surprised to find that he did not have bronchitis, but he did have an upper respiratory infection and a double case of pink eye! Not so much of a well check-up I guess :) I did find it a little disheartening when my doctor acted like my kids were wild! He is such a sweet guy, but the pity in his eyes for me makes me a little nervous. He did explain that I produce, "naturally athletic and physical children". I think that is the medical term for out of control :)

Don't worry about us, we'll all be back to "normal" soon enough. In order to keep this entry from being all bad I've listed a few new laughable quotes from the past crazy week.....

  • Jax-"Cash, why are you messing with my cars? Is this really necessary?"
  • Jax- "Mom, this show is silly. We all know animals can't talk!"
  • Jax- "Do you know the story of the 3 little pigs? Me- "Yes" Jax- "No you don't, only little kids know it."
  • Jax- "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which is stands, one nation, under God, indibivible with liberty and justice for all. That was good wasn't it mommy?"
  • Cash- "Mama, Bob Bob!" (he said this when he walked into my room one morning and spongebob was on!)
  • What does a dinosaur say? Cash- "Raaarrr"

Maybe some of these don't seem too funny, but in the fog of sickness and over tiredness they were HILARIOUS!!!


  1. I am sorry to hear you and the boys are / were sick. I hope the meds kick the sickness way out...also I hope you catch up on your sleep.

    Glad you are able to find some humor in all this...it's a mom only way to keep her sanity! :)

  2. After all you've been through this week, you deserve at least a solid 6 months of sick free living! Thank goodness summer is almost here! I hear sun and chlorine do wonders :)
